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Strengthening food security and economic opportunities for
returnees and host communities in Um Dukhun -
Central Darfur (Forgani and Magula villages)


Food security and livelihood

Food security and livelihood





FROM 05/31/2021 TO 04/30/2022




In May 2021, Triangle Génération Humanitaire (TGH) launched this 12-month project financed by the French Inter-ministerial Committee for Food Aid (CIAA) to enhance resilience capacity of crisis affected communities in Um Dukhun through diversification and improvement of main farming activities.

To support the vegetable production during the rainy and winter season 2021, TGH distributes seeds and tools kits to the households and provides them with trainings on agricultural techniques and the propagation of the previously distributed seeds.In order to support the food crop production during the 2022 rainy season, TGH distributes farm inputs and provides training to farmers on pest and disease management, organic fertilization and amendment, crops association and rotation as well as seed reproduction.

Distribution of seeds and tools for vulnerable women

Distribution of seeds and tools for vulnerable women in Magula, Um Dukhun locality, Central Darfur, August 2021 ©TGH

TGH supports poultry farming for female headed households through the procurement and distribution of farm inputs. This activity intends to provide those households with income generating activities through the sale of eggs and chickens. TGH supports part of the poultry farming beneficiaries through Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) activity. TGH also selects and distributes adapted kits for the gum Arabic (one of the main resources of the area) producers in the targeted villages and supports them in order to improve their production and their access to potential markets.

Training on agricultural techniques for the women

Training on agricultural techniques for the women targeted by seeds and tools distribution in Forgani, Um Dukhun locality, Central Darfur, August 2021 ©TGH

For TGH, it is important to strengthen the capacities of vulnerable communities on disaster risk reductions, including the identification of risks and elaboration of mitigation measures at the community level. That’s why TGH rehabilitates natural resources to reduce the likelihood of natural disasters or their impact, and to promote and protect resilient livelihoods activities and organises community-led dialogue sessions with other communities to mitigate conflicts over grazing land, watering livestock and the planting of fruit trees and trees.

FFocus Group Discussion with community leaders

Focus Group Discussion with community leaders and beneficiaries in Forgani, Um Dukhun locality, Central Darfur, August 2021 ©TGH