Emergency response to people affected by the conflict in Sudan’s Vakaga region


more than 10,000


15/06/23 > 31/03/24

Total budget




Réhabilitation d'un forage à Am Dafock

Programme details


  • NGO Nourrir

Fighting in Sudan has already forced more than 330,000 people to move within the country, and more than 100,000 people have left the country. Among the many cross-border movements, there are around 13,000 new arrivals in CAR.


In CAR, since 27 April 2023, these people have settled in spontaneous camps at the border in the locality of Am-Dafock CAR, in the Vakaga prefecture. An initial emergency response by humanitarian actors, including TGH, was deployed in the area. Since then, TGH has developed a two-pronged emergency response:


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

  • Access to emergency water: setting up an emergency drinking water distribution site at the Birao asylum seekers’ site,
  • Access to sustainable water: rehabilitation and maintenance of 15 water points,
  • Emergency sanitation: construction of emergency latrines and showers,
  • Sustainable sanitation: construction of sustainable latrines in the so-called institutional zone at 3 health centres and 2 child-friendly spaces at the Korsi site in Birao,
  • Hygiene: construction of 10 dish and clothes washing areas equipped with degreasing tanks and a 100m2 garden created by the NGO Nourrir. The washing areas will be equipped with a sun protection structure made of wild wood, traditional straw and tarpaulins.



Supply and installation of 8 giant tents to accommodate the children on site. Once installed, the tents will be handed over to the NGO Nourrir, a UNHCR partner, to provide access to the first phase of education for more than 3,000 children. School kits will also be distributed.